Yvette Kaunismaki
Psychiatrist, MD
I, Yvette Kaunismaki, MD, believe in treating the person as a whole; and all the complexities that make up a person’s life. All aspects of our life have an impact on our mood. Some of these factors include environment, support system, diet, other health issues, stressors and coping skills. I will take all of these into consideration when coming up with your individual treatment. You and I will work as a team to support your path to a balanced life.
I also work with a highly qualified team of therapists that are experienced in a multitude of different therapy modalities. Medications are one therapeutic modality, but therapy allows a person to reflect on and work towards change in their thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns. All of this can lead to healing.
Qualifications License: Nevada / 13378
- Medication Management
- Women’s Issues
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar Disorder
Make an Appointment
Call us at 775-827-2400 for a complete list of services